Emily Armstrong
March 20 – May 31, 2014
Washington Square WindowsThe Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development is pleased to welcome GoNightclubbing, a series of photographs by artist Emily Armstrong on view at 80WSE's Washington Windows satellite space, just north of our main exhibition space at 80 Washington Square East. GoNightclubbing sources three iconic images by Armstrong from her GoNightclubbing archive, depicting Cheetah Crome and Stiv Bators from the band The Dead Boys, and Pat Ivers, Armstrong's collaborator on GoNightclubbing, printed specifically for the Washington Square Windows at monumental scale.
The project is presented in conjunction with the exhibition GoNightclubbing Video Lounge, a multi-media installation curated by Pat Ivers and Emily Armstrong, which recreates the famous Danceteria Video Lounge that they created in 1980. The re-imagined Video Lounge installation celebrates Ivers and Armstrong's work at the iconic Danceteria nightclub, where they pioneered the video DJ concept during the height of the punk rock era. The Video Lounge installation derives from Ivers' and Armstrong's NIGHTCLUBBING Archive, part of the Fales Downtown Collection. Acquired by Fales in 2013, the Archive comprises video of 82 bands at 115 musical performances.