Each fall, MFA candidates in their second year each have the Project Space at 80WSE for one week. These shows precede their MFA thesis exhibition which takes place the following Spring.
The Action Lives On discusses the birth, climax, and aftermath of an art action. Facilitated by MTL+, it specifically focuses on the Anti-Columbus Day Tour, which addresses the erasure of narratives and exploitation of indigenous people as well as people of color. This art action takes place at the American Museum of Natural History, however, these issues plague institutions worldwide. #decolonizethismuseum
The Action Lives On also serves as a satellite hub for Artists Space's Fall show, Decolonize This Place. Located at 55 Walker Street in Chinatown, it is an action-oriented movement space focusing on indigenous struggle, black liberation, free Palestine, global wage workers and de-gentrification. #decolonizethisplace