MFA candidates in the Studio Art program work alongside faculty, visiting artists and art professionals to create a series of group shows, which are displayed at 80 Washington Square East.
Cheryl Bentley
Don Edler
Yi Xin Tong
Cheryl Bentley gives us humor, wet, pink, and grave: Dream Children. It’s what is forever known
in the mind. Of the dreaming function looking through eyes in the dust (in bed), in the grave (in
bed), underwater (in bed), through cigarette smoke and bed sheets (in bed), through the skin of
an orange and a lover (in bed), through a teardrop (in bed), through the fallinginto bed,
through the angels of disappointment, dysfunction, and resuscitation. Freedom is the object;
freedom from what drags you down, freedom from right, wrong, clocks, mastery, expectations,
slavery, and external standards. Dream Children is inspirited by dynamic emotional states,
poetry, light, cycles, stillness, and the intimacy of being in bed.
Don Edler is an interdisciplinary artist working between sculpture, photography, video, and
printmaking. As his contribution to the exhibit, Edler will present a series of sculptures and prints
inspired by Popular Culture, Historical Mythology, Time Travel, Salt, Building, Making, Heat,
Gravity, Appropriation, Replicas, Fakes, Science Fiction, Lenticular Photography, The Moon, The
Sun, The Road, Artifacts, Green Screens, Technical Images not Traditional Images, Mirrors,
Models, Crayons, CocaCola, Materiality, Materialism, M&Ms, Matter, MattaClark, The Delorean,
The 80s, Film, Legos, Memory, and Space. Edler is motivated by the process of making,
searching and discovering through materials, his sculptures investigate the place of materials in
object making and question the relationships between materials and images.
Yi Xin Tong presents Average Sweethearts: Dueling Scar & Driving Accident, a multimedia
project spanning several spaces that plays with found images, found objects, found tales, and
found ideas. Duelist's lover is present, happiest, beautiful, secretive, agreeable, loving, constant,
asleep, pale, honorable, sparkling, perfect, honest, young, innocent, pressing, admirable, false,
jealous, angelic, humorous, sweet, amiable, passionate, coward, foolish, careful, pitiful,
judicious, impertinent, confident, trustful, brave, whimsical, sensible, blockheaded, ridiculous,
inquisitive, graceful, disappointed, rude, sincere, humble, vulgar, proud, weak, intimate, shot,
handsome, acquainted, desirable, thoughtful, gentle, blooming, fair, delightful, ignorant, wounded,
finicking, singing, impossible, heartily, affordable, believable, promising, insane, victorious,
curious, violet, giving, sly, shy, persuasive, content, devoted, sanctified, perfidious, adventurous,
melancholic, protective, brisk, mortal, youthful, feverish, wealthy, disquiet, caring, mysterious,
skeptical, surest, useless, shining, smiling, married.